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  executive bio's

Sandy Stake, President / CEO

Alvin Snaper, PE.,  Chief Scientist

John Aguero, Ph.D., Executive VP

Don Plote, VP Sales

Bryan Sorenson, VP Sales,
International & Governments

Karl Batzler - CIO

Jason Van Hovel - Director of Internet & Graphic Design


Lyn Yaffe, M.D., Medical Director

alert tech 's

Dr. Gerald A. Smith

Mr. Terrill A. Smith


Louis De Leon, Corporate Counsel


Craig Crawford - VP Technologies


  Alvin Snaper, PE - Chief Scientist

Mr. Alvin Snaper has served as a Senior Consultant to many major corporations and organizations, including IBM, General Foods, NASA, Boeing, Gillette, Singer, U.S. Air Force, Rocketdyne, General Motors, Lockheed Aircraft, Sanyo, Philips, Gulf Western, Union Carbide, etc. He has been awarded more than 600 patents, many for significant industrial products and processes. Some of his inventions and commercial products include the IBM Selectric Type Ball, Tang, the NASA Apollo Photo- Pack, Coating Process for Gillette Razor Blades, and the Electrostatic Painting Process & System for Auto Components Assemblies for General Motors, to name a few. Mr. Alvin Snaper holds the single honor and individual distinction of being recognized three times with 'Best Patent of the Year' award by Design News magazine, and is the author of numerous technical and scientific papers.

Alvin Snaper is or has been a member the following professional societies and organizations: Who's Who of American Inventors 1990-1991; VIP Electronic Improvement Program; American Ordnance Association. He is a former consultant in ultrasonics to the Library of Congress, Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association, International Scientific Society and The Society of Photographic Instrumental Engineers.





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